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  • Clara Chan 濠江中學 獲IFT 旅遊零售及市場推廣管理 Tourism Retail and Marketing Management 取錄 本身英文底子差,詞彙量又不足夠,入讀大學專攻班之後,oral進步左,詞彙亦豐富了,Lawrence既教學方法同平時係學校上堂唔同,佢用獨特既教學方法傳授左好多課堂以外既知識比我,佢既大學考試策略的確對我考入IFT有很大幫助。上左大學專攻班令我去IFT面試都冇咁緊張。如果擔心自己既英文底子太差,考唔到好大學,早稻田一定可以助你考上理想既大學!
    Clara Chan 濠江中學獲IFT 旅遊零售及市場推廣管理 Tourism Retail and Marketing Management 取錄本身英文底子差,詞彙量又不足夠,入讀大學專攻班之後,oral進步左,詞彙亦豐富了,Lawrence既教學方法同平時係學校上堂唔同,佢用獨特既教學方法傳授左好多課堂以外既知識比我,佢既大學考試策略的確對我考入IFT有很大幫助。上左大學專攻班令我去IFT面試都冇咁緊張。如果擔心自己既英文底子太差,考唔到好大學,早稻田一定可以助你考上理想既大學!
  • Phoebe Cheng 勞校 獲 IFT世遺 World Heritage 取錄 讀中文中學的我,英文成績一直很差勁,所以這就成為我考大學的一大顧慮,直到我上了早稻田的澳大專攻班後,我的英文成績突飛猛進。他們的師資優良,懂得因材施教,另外課室設備完善,環境舒適,而且位置交通便捷,最重要的是他們的課程實際,練冩作,做舊試題等都令我對入學考試充滿信心,感謝你,早稻田!感謝你,Lawrence!因為您,我人生變得光明,我的前途充滿了希望。所以師弟妹們,你地都唔好再猶豫啦!快D加入成為我地既一份子,報讀早稻田既課程啦!
    Phoebe Cheng 勞校獲 IFT世遺 World Heritage 取錄讀中文中學的我,英文成績一直很差勁,所以這就成為我考大學的一大顧慮,直到我上了早稻田的澳大專攻班後,我的英文成績突飛猛進。他們的師資優良,懂得因材施教,另外課室設備完善,環境舒適,而且位置交通便捷,最重要的是他們的課程實際,練冩作,做舊試題等都令我對入學考試充滿信心,感謝你,早稻田!感謝你,Lawrence!因為您,我人生變得光明,我的前途充滿了希望。所以師弟妹們,你地都唔好再猶豫啦!快D加入成為我地既一份子,報讀早稻田既課程啦!
  • Pingo Ng 濠江中學 獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄

    I was concerned with the problem of my study since I entered into the high school. That’s because I was afraid that I couldn’t enter IFT. I do not have enough ability in English before I found the Waseda School. Their educational system is really suitable and fit for students. I think that they helped me a lot after I joined the course which is special for entering university. There wouldn’t be too many students in one course, so that it could increase more chances for each student to ask questions, and could keep more touch and communication with lecturers. After the class, moreover, lecturers always stay to help some students, talk more to them and hope they have a thorough understanding eventually.


    The way of their teaching is also unique. Lecturers would make full of funs when the students learn English from diverse approaches. For example, they will discuss with the students about the essays which are on the English newspaper; leading students to listen English songs for learning the vocabularies and the contracture of the sentences; and also surfing some educational website together with students. I was appreciated that I could get much interested in learning English.


    Besides this, they also teach students the “exam skill”, which means to get the highest marks in our limited time. In order to help the students handle the scope of the examination more clearly and precisely, they analysis the past papers and share the important material to the students, too.


    Another important criterion of the entrance of the IFT is interview. There will be a 50% chance for become the students of IFT if you can pass the paper exam and have the opportunity of the interview. So that is a very important moment and must be careful. It is more difficult and pressure for me to do that since I am lack of oral experience. Furthermore, the candidates have to debate with others in the interview. It made me extremely anxious! Fortunately, the special course of the Waseda School provides a series of training program for students to deal with this problem. It made me more confidently to speak fluent English in front of others and even defeat other candidates in the interview. The Waseda School is the best helper for me to enter my dream university!

    Pingo Ng 濠江中學獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄

    I was concerned with the problem of my study since I entered into the high school. That’s because I was afraid that I couldn’t enter IFT. I do not have enough ability in English before I found the Waseda School. Their educational system is really suitable and fit for students. I think that they helped me a lot after I joined the course which is special for entering university. There wouldn’t be too many students in one course, so that it could increase more chances for each student to ask questions, and could keep more touch and communication with lecturers. After the class, moreover, lecturers always stay to help some students, talk more to them and hope they have a thorough understanding eventually.


    The way of their teaching is also unique. Lecturers would make full of funs when the students learn English from diverse approaches. For example, they will discuss with the students about the essays which are on the English newspaper; leading students to listen English songs for learning the vocabularies and the contracture of the sentences; and also surfing some educational website together with students. I was appreciated that I could get much interested in learning English.


    Besides this, they also teach students the “exam skill”, which means to get the highest marks in our limited time. In order to help the students handle the scope of the examination more clearly and precisely, they analysis the past papers and share the important material to the students, too.


    Another important criterion of the entrance of the IFT is interview. There will be a 50% chance for become the students of IFT if you can pass the paper exam and have the opportunity of the interview. So that is a very important moment and must be careful. It is more difficult and pressure for me to do that since I am lack of oral experience. Furthermore, the candidates have to debate with others in the interview. It made me extremely anxious! Fortunately, the special course of the Waseda School provides a series of training program for students to deal with this problem. It made me more confidently to speak fluent English in front of others and even defeat other candidates in the interview. The Waseda School is the best helper for me to enter my dream university!

  • Pingo Ng 濠江中學 獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄

    升上高中之後,就一直擔心自己的升學問題,很怕自己考不上心儀己久的大學---旅遊學院。因為本身自己是就讀中文學校,英文底子不太紮實, 試問我怎能跟一些自小就讀英文學校的學生較量呢?








    考入旅遊學院另一重要的關卡就是入學面試。如果有面試的機會就己經証明了你己跨進了大學校門的一半門檻,所以在這關口要格外用心。對於平時沒有什麼英文oral經驗的我更加增添壓力,而且更要與別人以英文辯論. 幸好,早稻田學校的專攻大學課程特別為學生提供一系列的oral訓練,使我能夠在對手面前有自信地暢談英文,甚至擊敗對手。



    Pingo Ng 濠江中學獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄

    升上高中之後,就一直擔心自己的升學問題,很怕自己考不上心儀己久的大學---旅遊學院。因為本身自己是就讀中文學校,英文底子不太紮實, 試問我怎能跟一些自小就讀英文學校的學生較量呢?








    考入旅遊學院另一重要的關卡就是入學面試。如果有面試的機會就己經証明了你己跨進了大學校門的一半門檻,所以在這關口要格外用心。對於平時沒有什麼英文oral經驗的我更加增添壓力,而且更要與別人以英文辯論. 幸好,早稻田學校的專攻大學課程特別為學生提供一系列的oral訓練,使我能夠在對手面前有自信地暢談英文,甚至擊敗對手。



  • Panda Tong 勞校 獲IFT旅遊企業管理 Tourism Business Management 取錄 講英文,對於我呢個讀中文學校既學生黎講。係一件好難既事!當知道ift入學除左有筆試之外,仲要用英文面試,當下對入大學既信心即刻減半! 幸好…就係考大學既前幾個月,媽媽幫我報左早稻田專攻ift面試,當時既我覺得最後先黎衝刺會唔會遲左d呢?但上堂上左一排之後,發覺英文雖無太大進步,但對講英文既信心大大提高左!Lawrence教我既面試技巧真係有用! 令我順利地通過面試, 順利地入到IFT!可以咁順利入到大學,我真係要多謝Lawrence! 一句話!早稻田可以幫你入到心儀既大學,係你最佳既選擇!
    Panda Tong 勞校獲IFT旅遊企業管理 Tourism Business Management 取錄講英文,對於我呢個讀中文學校既學生黎講。係一件好難既事!當知道ift入學除左有筆試之外,仲要用英文面試,當下對入大學既信心即刻減半! 幸好…就係考大學既前幾個月,媽媽幫我報左早稻田專攻ift面試,當時既我覺得最後先黎衝刺會唔會遲左d呢?但上堂上左一排之後,發覺英文雖無太大進步,但對講英文既信心大大提高左!Lawrence教我既面試技巧真係有用! 令我順利地通過面試, 順利地入到IFT!可以咁順利入到大學,我真係要多謝Lawrence! 一句話!早稻田可以幫你入到心儀既大學,係你最佳既選擇!
  • Mei Wu 菜農中學 獲IFT旅遊企業管理 Tourism Business Management 取錄 我可以考到旅遊學院,除了多謝我的學校老師,亦都要多謝Lawrence你!你既教學方式唔會令我覺得好乏味~因為你會揀一d日常既話題同時事比我地閱讀~跟住再去發表自己的想法~例外~真係唔好輕視Lawrence 既「Tips」既命中率啦!因為都會出到~而直到呢刻我都好感激Lawrence 既悉心教導~比我可以更大膽同自由咁去發表自己對於呢個話題既諗法同埋為為interview做好基本功夫~”早稻田”唔單止日文得!英文都一樣得架!唔好覺得遲~加入呢個班,實有你地著數^v^!希望有更多人都能成為我未來既師弟師妹~!^v^
    Mei Wu 菜農中學獲IFT旅遊企業管理 Tourism Business Management 取錄我可以考到旅遊學院,除了多謝我的學校老師,亦都要多謝Lawrence你!你既教學方式唔會令我覺得好乏味~因為你會揀一d日常既話題同時事比我地閱讀~跟住再去發表自己的想法~例外~真係唔好輕視Lawrence 既「Tips」既命中率啦!因為都會出到~而直到呢刻我都好感激Lawrence 既悉心教導~比我可以更大膽同自由咁去發表自己對於呢個話題既諗法同埋為為interview做好基本功夫~”早稻田”唔單止日文得!英文都一樣得架!唔好覺得遲~加入呢個班,實有你地著數^v^!希望有更多人都能成為我未來既師弟師妹~!^v^
  • Karen Lai 化地瑪聖母女子中學 獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄 我本身是一個英文底子不太好的學生,因緣際會之間由朋友介紹之下報讀了早稻田的澳大專攻班,經過一段時間後,老師及班上的同學發現我的英文能力無論在寫講聽上都有很大的進步,特別是寫作能力,經的教導之下,由不合格飛躍到70到80分,實在難得。除此之外還特別針對以廣東話為母語學英語的困難點,在文法的教導,專攻每一點,我真的很感謝澳大專攻班及有趣上課方式,才令我的英文大有改善。
    Karen Lai 化地瑪聖母女子中學獲IFT 酒店管理 hotel management 課程取錄我本身是一個英文底子不太好的學生,因緣際會之間由朋友介紹之下報讀了早稻田的澳大專攻班,經過一段時間後,老師及班上的同學發現我的英文能力無論在寫講聽上都有很大的進步,特別是寫作能力,經的教導之下,由不合格飛躍到70到80分,實在難得。除此之外還特別針對以廣東話為母語學英語的困難點,在文法的教導,專攻每一點,我真的很感謝澳大專攻班及有趣上課方式,才令我的英文大有改善。